Curiosity is your best compass.

Nov 30, 2021 7:34 pm

The path to innovation starts with curiosity. And the best innovations you can make revolve around improving your own habits and sense of self awareness.

Today will be a shorter message.

In all my conversations...

In all the groups I am a part of...

Heck, even in my own marriage...

A hot topic of discussion right now is "what are our purposes and paths going into 2022?!?

And to that my response is...

I have no fucking clue.

But I do know that if you focus on having great days... you start to build great weeks. And eventually those great weeks become great months, great years, and a great life.

What makes a great day though?

To me, it's going into every day with a childlike curiousness. This curiosity then flows into me losing track of time based upon what I am working on, who I am surrounding myself with, and the environment that I place myself in.

On the other hand, if I lose my curiosity in the present moment, and I find myself looking at the clock, or hoping that time speeds up... I know that I am doing something wrong in that moment. Something is out of place.

So, my question for you on this fine Tuesday morning, is what are you curious about as we enter the last month of 2021?

My recommendation for you to start the path of living your version of the "great life" is to follow the curiosity that is calling you from the depths of your being.



p.s. I am grateful for some of the tough discussions I have been having recently. They have challenged me to innovate upon myself and for that I am thankful.
