Press LAUNCH on your ideas!

Nov 15, 2021 7:15 pm

What is an idea that you have had recently?

Why has it stayed an idea and not become something tangible?

And don't give me the bullshit excuses that you always give yourself.

That won't work with me.

You don't have time.

You don't have the knowledge.

You don't have the experience.

You don't know what you are doing.

None of that!

The fact is, nobody knows what they are doing!

We are all just a bunch of atoms put together where our home is a floating rock in space.

Realize that and use it to your advantage to believe anything is possible!

I don't just preach this to you though...



And on Saturday a big idea became reality.

See below.


^^^ A drone picture I took of Noah and I's first sauna + ice event for the High Performance Lifestyle Games

Earlier this past summer we chatted about creating an experience that provided athletes, and all humans, the access to something we love a lot... our sauna/ice recovery practice.


And many more missions to come.

Yet, what is your "mission one?"

I know you have some lingering thoughts, ideas, projects ....

why not bring them to REALITY?!?!?!

Here's something I have asked myself in the past... "what separates us from other animals?"

To me, the biggest differentiator is the fact humans have the ability, and brain power, to create things that last beyond their lifetime.

You can build things with your mind and hands that live beyond you as an individual.

How freaking cool is that?

Art for example.

If you create a piece of art, it is timeless!!!

Hell, think about the drawings from ancient civilizations.

Sadly, so many people don't utilize the power they have as humans enough.

And right now I want to encourage you to step into this power and bring another one of your creations to life.

What can you do this week to get closer to making that happen?!?!



p.s. today I am grateful for the community here in the ATX. What an amazing weekend it was.
