Stop forcing yourself...
Jan 17, 2022 1:54 pm
to do things you don't want to do!
Forced action DOES NOT lead to high value results.
Calculated action will pay you dividends for a lifetime though.
I heard this statement from a speaker this weekend during a Men's Retreat/Event.
And it really got me thinking.
Since then, I have been reflecting on the results during my lifetime of when I have felt "forced" to do something, compared to the results when I willingly give my full heart/brain/energy to something.
And to no surprise, the results that occur when I am the one choosing the calculated actions... they are far greater, more meaningful, and ultimately... the greatest, most fulfilling results that I have.
Let me give you a practical example...
At 18 I had no clue what the fuck I wanted out of life. Most of us don't.
Yet, I did know that deep down, I absolutely hated sitting in a standard classroom. I also knew that the path towards a desk job was not my ultimate plan. Hell, I couldn't sit still at a desk during the 12 years of public school... there was no way I was going to do that for 30+ years at a job.
But even though I knew this... I felt pressure to go down that path. It essentially became a forced action thrown upon me.
So what happened?
Sure, I got the Engineering degree, I got the job and legitimate career path, I got the "great salary" ... but all that mattered was what I didn't get. I didn't get to look myself in the mirror every day and be proud of who I was becoming. Because the reality is, I was becoming somebody that I knew I was not. And I fucking hated myself for not having the courage to stand up and go down the path I knew I was meant for.
^^^ the job, career, desk...nice suits that I wore ... that was somebody else's dream, it wasn't mine. It was forced.
Fast forward into calculated action though... and my life completely changed forever.
I began to reflect on the fact that I have always loved sports/athletics/fitness/recovery... anything to do with moving the body both as an individual, and in a team atmosphere.
So I started to figure out how I could make that a larger part of my life.
- I got NASM certified in both personal training and nutritional consulting.
- I watched hundreds of videos, read dozens of books, and had more meetings than I can count with people I could learn business from.
- I combined my passion for movement, and my love for solving business problems, to start my own training/consulting business that I knew would give me the keys to my eventually corporate exit.
^^^ These actions were not forced, they were calculated on my behalf.
And these calculated actions turned into the life I had seen for myself.
But what about you?
Where in your life have your actions felt forced at times?
Compared to the times where you felt you were in control and THRIVING?
Can you decide to make 2022 a year that is comprised more of calculated action on your behalf? Rather than the nauseating feeling that occurs when you feel forced to do something you don't truly want to be doing?
This is something I highly recommend you reflect on.
Calculated action will bring you the life you have always wanted.
But it is up to you to make the choice to start calculating. :)
p.s. I am grateful I lived/live in a time period where I had/have the internet and could connect with ideas/people/places that helped me/continue to help me make more calculated decisions.