You are distracted.

Mar 30, 2021 7:31 pm

Today's message is simple.

Open up your phone.

Go to your settings.

Click on the "screen time" analytics.

Drop your jaw at the amount of time you spend staring at an inanimate object.

One of my biggest pet peeve's in this world is the amount of people commenting and sharing their voice, but not actually doing anything in real life to take ACTION towards their belief's.

It is very easy to sit behind the comfort of your screen, yet very hard and exhausting to ACTUALLY DO THE WORK in reality.

Today I want you to do the opposite of what you normally do.

Instead of watching other people, making comments about other people or ideas, wasting your time getting heated about whatever it is you are seeing in the digital world...

Instead....stop being a spectator and get in the arena yourself.

Come up with your own ideas. Put yourself out there and produce something of your own. DO SOMETHINGGGGGG FOR ONCE.

Stop being distracted by all the noise out there...and instead make some noise of your own. Life is too short to live it in any other way.



p.s. today I am grateful that we had a solid crew at our Tuesday Track Pack. I am so appreciative for the community here in the ATX.
