Be the passenger, enjoy the views.
Mar 16, 2021 5:20 pm
I am a problem solver.
It is a blessing and a curse.
Can you relate?
Always trying to fix everything around you.
It is an endless cycle I must say.
Last night, during a men's group that I partake in, I vented about my struggles to control the urge to solve problems around me. Problems that don't need solving, yet I can't seem to resist.
Example: Has a friend ever come to you for advice, and instead of just listening and supporting... you immediately jump into what the solution could be? Yeah this is what I am talking about.
Something profound was said to me last night though.
One of my friend's in the group said this...
"We are all high achievers in here, and we all like to be in the driver's seat, which is cool because the world needs good drivers...but, the problem with driving, you don't get to see the best views because you must focus on the road ahead. So try time you find yourself in a situation, in your head just nominate yourself as the passenger and enjoy the views instead."
This struck a chord with me because I love capturing the views with my phone, camera, drone, GoPro... etc. And if you've followed me at all... you know this too.
So why is it in life I like to capture the views, but when it comes to problems I cannot just play the passenger / more supportive role, rather than being the driver?
This is something I will be pondering this week, and I wanted to transfer it to you to give you some thoughts as well. I believe what my friend said can be useful to any human being.
Here is me telling you, that sometimes, it is okay to be the passenger. And because I am telling you is now my turn to practice what I preach and be more of a passenger in certain situations.
Lets go enjoy the views together!
Happy Tuesday!!!
p.s. today I am grateful that it is warming up in the mornings earlier now. This allows me to meditate, read, and write outside in the morning. I love hearing the birds and just feeling the vibrations of the world while I get my day started.