F*ck wealth, if you don't have health.
Jun 05, 2021 6:29 pm
When asked what surprised him about humanity the most, the Dalai Lama replied: “Man. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. ... After all, money is a means to an end and these other factors, done right, will lead to better life outcomes.
I posted the thread below on IG and Twitter the other day.
I posted these because I know for a fact that our society tries to capitalize off the poor health and misfortune of the masses.
The media pushes so many different diets, workouts, devices, etc.... where does someone start if they are unhappy with themselves and want to live a healthier and happier lifestyle?!?!
Typically, the solutions to the problems in life, they don't come wrapped up in a special box that a doctor, a company, or the media wrap for you.
Instead, they tend to be simpler than that.
And my answer to most things in life...look where most people are not.
- Hydration. Most people don't drink enough quality H2o. Instead, they are drinking coffee, sugary drinks, energy drinks, beer....you name it, they are chugging it. If someone wants to immediately impact their health for the better, cut out everything except water (add some lemon for taste and electrolytes) for an entire month. *Drink 1 gallon per day.* If you do this you will immediately see an improvement in your mental clarity, your mood, and your skin health.
- Sleep. Humans were not meant to stare at computer screens all day, then stare at a phone screen up until the point we try to shut our eyes in bed. In today's "busy" world, most people are chronically sleep deprived and rely on drugs/alcohol to get to sleep. Want better sleep? Get off the screens 2 hours prior to going to bed, read a book instead. Don't eat within 3 hours of going to bed. Have a nighttime relaxation routine that works for you. (Meditate, read, take a bath, etc). Go to the bed around the same time each night.
- Community. I believe this is the most overlooked aspect to anyone's health. Why? I lived this one. When I hung around drinkers, I drank. When I hung around smokers, I smoked. When I flipped this to hanging around bio-hackers and health enthusiasts...I cared more about my health and how I showed up in the world. You are the average of who you hang around most. Want to improve your average? Surround yourself with people who are smarter/faster/stronger/wiser than you in all areas of life.
Do all of the above for 30 days. Invest in yourself. And come back to me with how you are feeling. I'd love to know!!!
And if you know someone out there who is struggling with their own health regimen, send them this email, and have them reach out to me. A healthier world is a happier world...and I want more people LIVING HAPPILY!!!
p.s. today is my Mom's birthday, as well as the day that Erin's father Kevin passed away. My wife and I will be celebrating both their lives by crushing a morning workout at Barry's Bootcamp, and then supporting some friend's at an event. Love and miss you mom! Kevin, we were on the news last night to share how your death inspired us to live a better life and create THRIVEONLIFE. We will continue to spread the message of MAKING EVERY HEARTBEAT COUNT for the rest of our lives. <3