The U-haul truck will not be following your hearse.

Feb 08, 2021 8:20 pm

Let me say that again, the U-haul truck WILL NOT be following your hearse.

What do I mean by this?

What I mean is that the things you accrue in this life...they will not be going with you when you die.

So why as human beings are we so focused on acquiring "things."

Sadly, generation after generation we have lost touched with what truly matters.

We have traded time with our friends/family/the environment... for "things."

These things give us a boost of dopamine that may only last a short while....and then it is back to the rat race of working to buy even more things.

To start your week I want to ask you a question...

If you had to give up everything you owned, yet you were only allowed to keep 5 "things," what would those things be?!?

When you think about this, you may start to look around and realize how many things that you own, that you truly don't need. Things that are taking up space in your life, rather than adding value to it.

I challenge you this week to get rid of some of those things and make space for new opportunities in your life. But this time around, make sure that the space is filled with an asset, not a "thing."

Happy Monday! Go crush your week!



p.s. today I am grateful that I have realized early on that the U-haul will not be following me. Because of this I focus heavily on relationships and experiences, rather than material items.
