This story is YOURS to write.
Oct 27, 2022 2:00 pm
I recently cried after reading one of the short stories within one of the books that I am reading.
"How I learned to live a better story."
The story was about a man and his two sons losing their wife/mother to cancer.
It hit me right in my feels.
Not in a doom and gloom way that you may expect to happen.
I have grown to accept the pain and sorrow that comes with life.
What I have not, and will NEVER accept....
Is how many people out there take their time on this planet for granted.
Spending precious minutes/hours/days on the wrong things.
Wasting energy being mad, resentful, worried, anxious, etc.
It can all be gone in an instant.
You must realize this!
So why do I think so many are spending their time in the wrong ways?
I can only assume, that one of the major reasons, is because they do not fully believe that they can be the author and narrator of their own story.
It doesn't have to be the story that your parents/friends/job /etc want to write for you.
I have found that when I spend my time asking myself about how do I want my own story to be written, I always choose to write in a way that brings my life... TO LIFE.
Joy, play, time spent with other people that I share a mutual love with... these instances end up getting more pages of my story.
And I know the same can happen for you!
You must step up and understand though, that not everyone and everything... deserves to be in your pages.
You get that choice.
So what will it be....
How will you decide to fill your pages from here on out?
p.s. today I am grateful for the dinner and ice cream I had the other night with 4 other high caliber men. Moments like those... they are the reminder that most times it is the simplest things in life that bring us the most joy.