10 day trend...are you trending up? or down?

Jan 10, 2021 9:45 pm

You are lying to yourself if you say "I don't have time to do XYZ."

One of my biggest pet peeves in this world...are people that make excuses.

If you don't want to do the work, THAT IS OKAY! Admit it though!!!

There are plenty of times I admit wholeheartedly the things I do or do not want to do. I take naps almost every weekend to recharge. I will go on long walks to avoid a lot of the chores I have to do. And I forget to do a lot of tedious tasks, because the reality is, I truly do not want to do them. I am human.

Yet I rarely ever complain about my situations because I know I have the power to change them. I also admit to myself when I am slacking and quickly change to a new gear.

Here is an example that of that truth...

I have openly said I want to / am going to write a book in the near future. I realized I need to put in more "work" (hustle) to make that happen. So I told myself that the start of my book is my social media posts, my blogs, and these daily newsletters. If I can consistently put out a good amount of quality content, I can then gather feedback from my audience and place the "great" stuff into my book. THIS IS A LOT OF WORK I SIGNED UP FOR. lol. But I am honest with myself about how I spend my time, and never complain that I do not have enough to make my personal dream come true.

Sadly, most people lie to themselves daily.

There is another type of person that says they want to write the book too, but when you tell them they should start a blog first, maybe write a few short articles for LinkedIn or other sites, or even sharpen their writing through email campaigns...they look at you as if you just poured cold water over their head.

Their typical response,

"I don't have the time for that. I have a 'job' and other things that I have to take care of..." insert every excuse under the sun.

Let me be clear, this type of response can show up in all areas of life. Whether it is about going to the gym, switching the way they eat, someone complaining about the current job they have, yet they refuse to put their time and energy into getting a new one instead...I am sure you have seen this type of energy from someone in your life.

And maybe that person is you.

It is never too late to reflect and pivot your path though, or help someone else pivot theirs.

So here is an exercise for you. We are officially 10 days into 2021 and it is time for our first reflection of the year.

What have you DONE so far this year to move your bar higher / needle closer to the goals you have set for yourself?

WHAT have you let slip through the cracks already? And more importantly, WHY did you let them slip so fast?

Reflect on this, write your responses down, then go make the next 10 days better than the first. Life is about getting your trend to go upwards. There will be rough patches, their will be tough times, but you should never allow yourself to trend downwards.

Especially if you have friends like me who are willing to help you maintain the upward trend. WE CAN LEAN ON EACH OTHER!!! :)

Here is my reflection below.


My goal for the next 10 days? Keep the foot on the gas and maintain this level of consistency.

I'd love to see your personal reflections if you are up for it. Let me know what you are working on, maybe I can help!

Happy Sunday!



p.s. today I am grateful that my sleep score is slowly trending upwards. Getting better sleep is a major initiative for me this year, and I am proud of myself for holding myself accountable to moving that trend upwards.
