If your life was a movie, how would you script it?!
Jan 02, 2021 10:13 pm
Guess what?
Your life is a movie.
And you are the main character.
But you are probably following along with someone else's script for you.
Allowing someone else to dictate your role, your lines, and your outcomes.
This year...you will write your own lines, build your own set, and narrate your own story.
Exactly 4 years ago today, I followed this exact path.
January 2nd, 2017...
I walked into my corporate office for the last time, looked my boss in the eyes, and said, "I am done."
And while he took it as I am done with the job....what I truly meant was that I was done living a life on someone else's terms.
Like really why the fuck was I even there in the first place?!? With a suit and a tie on (which I hated) in an old stuffy building, in middle of nowhere Houston Texas. What the actual fuck CJ.
I'm a creator, I love tattoos, I love exercising half naked in the sun, I love building communities and helping people get healthier & happier, I love helping people to build businesses they are passionate about so they feel more ALIVE everyday, I love writing, I love podcasting, I love investing, I love reading, I love traveling, I love....I love so many things.
So why was I doing things I did not love for so many years of my life?!?!
It is a question without a clear answer that I can pinpoint.
Yet, it is the question I ask you right now because this is your opportunity to quit the current narrative that you are in, and rewrite your own.
I did. Many of my closest friends did. And so can you!!!
If this question alone causes you anxiety, don't worry! Rome wasn't built in a day, and you cannot expect to write your story in a day either.
Lean on me for help. I've been there.
If there is something you would love to start (project, idea, business), or even something you have started yet you feel stuck and need some advice on, LETS CONNECT!!!
strive together, THRIVE TOGETHER is my motto... and I live it out as much as I can.
So lets be sure to THRIVE TOGETHER this year and write our own stories!
Happy Saturday!
p.s. today I am grateful for these past 4 years of writing my own story. There have been many ups and downs, but I would not trade any of them for the world because THEY ARE MINE. They make me, me. And my goal is to help you become more YOU.