DONATE to feed someone

Feb 20, 2021 9:13 pm

Checking in again.

Erin, our guest Charlotte, and myself finally have both full power and water at my office...6 days later.

Sadly, Charlotte's apartment complex still has no power/heat/water. Fingers crossed that changes for her today.

Other than that, we consider ourselves the fortunate ones, and because of that, I want to continue to find ways to give back to those who are not so fortunate.

Right now my friend Faiez Rana is raising money through his meal prep company Preptoyourdoor.

Our goal is to raise $10,000 to send meals to those who need it most. And at the moment, we have already raised over 8k in one day.

Please consider helping us reach the mark and even surpass it!

Even $10 will go towards sending a meal to someone that truly needs it right now.


Thank you in advance.

I will be back to my consistent writing on Monday. Currently, I am spending a lot of energy processing all of this and figure out ways I can be most helpful to those closest to me.

Have a great weekend!



p.s. today I am grateful for my dad. This man was able to help me work on my house from over 1,000 miles away through the use of IG video calls. My entire life I grew up helping him on projects. TBH, even though my house is fucked up, I actually enjoyed working on it and learning in the process. Most of it is thanks to him and what he has taught me over the 30 years of my life.
