How to set your goals...
May 26, 2021 5:41 pm
Listen to this podcast of Tim Feriss and Chip Wilson (Founder of Lululemon).
In the podcast, Chip talks about goal setting using a method that is similar to what I use. And I believe it can help you!!!
First off, ask yourself when is the last time you have set a targeted SMART goal?
What do I mean by smart?
Specific. Measurable. Attainable. Realistic. Time Based.
You can build a lot of momentum in life with this method ^^^.
Example of what most people do...
"I am going to try and lose some weight.."
Instead, they need to do this...
"I WILL lose 10lbs within the next 10 weeks. That is 1lb per week in which I plan to use through exercise, healthier food options, and a weekly meeting with my accountability coach."
The difference is clear.
Now replicate this across the spectrum of your personal and professional goals.
If you are someone who has been setting SMART goals for awhile now, here is a challenge for you.
Humans fear failure and being ostracized by we typically do things according to what we believe will "look good," aka we don't set goals we know we will most likely fail at...because failure doesn't look good to others.
Yet, the reality is, the greatest innovations in the world were build off failures and unsuccessful attempts.
Two easy examples:
- Thomas Edison attempted to create the lighitbulb 1000+ times before it worked. Imagine if he had given up prior?
- The Wright Brothers crashed over and over again with their initial flight attempts. People legitimately thought they were crazy lol.
What are you willing to work towards as a "goal," in which you are most likely going to fail at?
Why do this?
Because if you shoot really high, even if you "fail," you will surpass the limits you set on yourself prior.
What is my example?
In the US Championships in Chicago I have to move up to the "pro" weight class. Which essentially means I will be competing with other men that are way bigger/stronger than me... but I will be pushing, pulling, carrying the same weights as them.
Instead of setting a soft goal for this event...I decided to set the goal of shaving another 5+ minutes off my time even though I have to move up a weight class.
What does this force me to do?
Train smarter. Train harder. Recover smarter.
It essentially forces me to focus more.
And regardless of what happens in the arena, this extra focus will pay dividends in all other areas of my life.
But if I wasn't setting this goal, I would be selling myself short and I wouldn't reap the rewards that come with "shooting high."
Where in your life can you shoot a bit higher? I'd love to hear the goals you are working towards!!!
Have a wonderful Wednesday!
p.s. today I am grateful to see another day. A good friend of mine sadly lost his father yesterday, yet another reminder that our time on earth is limited, so we better make every heartbeat count while we have the chance.