Life is simple, yet not easy.

Apr 07, 2022 1:27 pm


Today will be short and sweet.

The premise?

Simple is better.

And today I want you to simplify your life.

Here is how...

  1. Realize that the "exact" future is not within your control... so don't be anxious about it.
  2. The past is not within your power to be changed. So stop being sad, angry, or depressed over it. Let it go.
  3. Now, now is all you have. So take advantage of the now by defining what a great NOW looks like to you.

What does a great NOW look like to me?

  1. Healthy + Athletic AF
  2. THRIVING relationship with my wife and family/friends.
  3. Deep connections within my community.
  4. Adventure (travel, hobbies, work, etc... I want it to all be adventure driven)
  5. Practicing loving myself and the world around me regardless of the circumstances I find myself in.

Unlike the past, or the future, the 1-5 I listed above... they are all within my direct control.

Notice how simple it is?

If I focus on those 5, my life will blossom into the life I intend.

Yet, how easy is it to become distracted from those 5?

The human existence is simple, yet not easy.

Make your NOW list.

And simply.. follow it every day.

Change it if you need to.

But use it as a guiding force to the life you want.

Simplicity will bring you peace.

And peace will bring you more happiness.

The world needs more peace and happiness from all of us.



p.s. I am grateful for books like Essentialism. Understanding what truly matters in life has been the most impactful lesson I have learned over my 31 years of existence. It saddens me that schools don't even try to approach this topic. I intend to change that in the future.
