Follow your obsession.
Nov 23, 2021 7:58 pm
In honor of having Zach Pogrob (Founder of @behaviorhack) on the podcast later today... I will showcase a piece of his content below and reiterate one of his topics that he talks about a a lot... FOLLOWING OBSESSION.
I absolutely love this topic because I have been the kid/adult that has been told to "chill" out, that I am too intense, that it is not "that serious" ... when the reality is... LIFE IS THAT FUCKING SERIOUS! You have one shot. You have a limited amount of heartbeats. You never no when your time will be up.
So why not spend your time obsessed with your life? Obsessed with how you spend your time, why you are spending your time that way, and WHO you are spending that time with.
I refuse to not be obsessed.
The moment I don't wake up obsessed with my path is the day I know something is off/wrong.
So if this is you, go try new things! The only way to find your obsession, is to try a bunch of different things, go to new places, meet new people.... learn what IS NOT YOUR OBSESSION ... and what you will ultimately find is the "things" that are for you will light your flame and give you a special feeling when you do them. FEED THAT FLAME!!!
p.s. today I am grateful for all the amazing people I get to talk with on a weekly basis on my podcast. I learn so much through doing what I love most aka building solid relationships with other people who are positively changing the world.