You are insignificant...
May 18, 2021 8:48 pm
and the moment you truly realize this insignificance, you become FREE.
Your ego will cause you anxiety, depression, and despair. But a few deep breaths, and the realization that at the end of the day...the next day will happen regardless of can bring you peace of mind.
Because then you can CHOOSE what you want out of this life.
You can choose your purpose.
You can choose where you live, why you live there.
You can choose the people you hang around, and why you hang around them.
You can determine what you do each and every day.
Your boss who is putting pressure on you to do something that is "urgent" ... is it really that urgent? Or is your boss just lost in the sauce as I would say. (99.9 percent of things that are urgent, aren't).
People fear being insignificant.
You, me, we...strive for the degrees, for the money/fame/success....
but no matter what we do, we will be forgotten.
Find peace in that.
I don't want today's message to come off as if your life is not important. It is.
I am writing this though because I have previously mentioned how every decision you make has a ripple effect. It can either negative or positively impact yourself and the world.
What has helped me make more positive decisions is the realization of my own insignificance.
I no longer try to be a person I am not.
No longer strive for the "success" that others want from me, but I don't want for myself.
I am happy with the path I CHOOSE on a daily basis. The path that seeks no validation. The path that gives me gratitude, happiness, joy, and abundance...rather than fear, anxiety, depression and despair.
And I am hoping you can find a similar path for yourself!
Have a wonderful Tuesday!
p.s. I am grateful that I get to go hiking in the mountains with one of my lifelong friends today. Stay tuned for a photo of the experience coming tomorrow. :)