You are an artist!!! But why aren't you showing your artwork?

Dec 21, 2020 8:52 pm

I have always loved storytelling. Whether it is through writing, podcasting, photography, or is something that I am extremely passionate about.

One of my goals is to use my passion for the above, and encourage others like you to find your own creative side. I am hoping you will start to show the world your own art!

Sadly, I know there is so much art that is sitting around in your head right now because of the fear of what other people may think.

How do I know this?

Because I am you.

It is one of the main reasons I have waited this long to invest energy into my YouTube channel.

I used to be afraid of what other people would think.


I have decided to become a YouTube experiment. Showing you the journey of how JUST STARTING will lead to small improvements over time.

And since you are so special to me, I'd love for you to watch the first edition on this journey and grill me with feedback if you can.

My YouTube Experiment.

I already noticed, that for some reason, my audio was better without a mic than with it. REALLY WEIRD and IDK why.

Putting graphics and fonts into a video is a craft I am far away from possessing lol.

And the best parts of most videos happen when you aren't even expecting it, so film EVERYTHING so you don't miss those moments.

There are a lot more things I learned, but I don't want to bore you with that here.

Instead, I want you to CREATE SOMETHING THIS WEEK!!!

Write, record, take photos, paint...whatever it is, just create your own piece of art and show it to the world. You have absolutely nothing to lose, and everything to gain if you do!

Lastly, I'd love if you could subscribe to my channel so that I can continue impacting more people. Every sub counts. If there is any way I can support your and your mission, let me know, I'd love to return the favor!!!

Have a wonderful holiday week ahead!



p.s. today I am grateful that even on my "off" days I am fired up to wake up and put some work in. It means that I have found things I am so passionate about that they never feel like "work." This is something I encourage everyone to find in their lives. It comes through a lot of trial and error and a bunch of times trying new things over and over and over again.
