The 1000+ versions of you...
Oct 17, 2022 2:19 pm
Here is a recent post by my good friend Zach Pogrob that hit home with me and made me think about my life.
I know it can do the same for you.
"Where you’re born downloads the software you use to see the world.
The tutorial to the game. Which means most things we go after are not original. They’re copied. We want what other people want, in the first game we start playing.
Traveling hacks that software. Not vacations, but dropping yourself into different worlds and cultures.
It shows you there are radically different human operating systems— even a short drive or flight away.
I’ve heard where you’re born matters more for success than how you’re raised. I believe it.
I haven’t always had the freedom to travel. But it’s helped me realize which desires and lifestyles are true to my core, and which were designed by the software I was given.
In NY people train like models.
In ATX people train like athletes.
In NY success is external.
In ATX success is internal.
Book the trip. Drop yourself somewhere new. There’s 1000 versions of you that would exist today if you were born in 1000 different places. Go meet them."
See his original post HERE.
Right now, somewhere out there in the universe, exists the person that YOU truly want to be.
What does that person look like?
Where do they live?
How do they talk?
Who are they deep down at their core?
You may think you don't have control over the above...
But you do.
"Book the trip.
Drop yourself somewhere new.
There's 1000 versions of you that would exists to day if you were born in 1000 different places.
Go meet them."
p.s. today I am grateful for the time I was able to spend with Erin over the weekend. I truly cherish all the small moments we get to spend with each other.