Stay in your lane...
Nov 17, 2021 7:53 pm
But only after you have criss-crossed apple sauced all the other lanes you can try out.
I am literally learning something very important about life this year.
Try as many things as possible, find what lights you up, as well as what you can be really great at, and go full throttle in that lane.
The problem is it can take decades to figure out your own lane.
Well, in my experience, I was busy playing in other people's lanes because of what society told me a "should" be doing.
Right now though, I would say this year has been the first full year of my life where I have completely let go of the "should" chord.
And I want to bring other people hope to find what I am finding.
What am I finding?
Well, when I lean into what I love and what I am great at, things fall into place and I am left feeling fulfilled, rather than drained.
Need an example?
^^^ this is a short reel video of me running with two of my friends yesterday. I carried my gimbal / phone (about 3ish-lbs) for 6.5 miles yesterday.
So not only did I have to do the run, I had to focus on filming and capturing moments during it.
After the run I felt fantastic, tired, but fantastic lol.
And I realized something in that many people can really do this?
This is my lane.
Combining my love for building relationships, having deep conversations, capturing special moments with phones/drones/cameras/microphones, and doing it all with a focus on health and improving my potential as a human being.
Enough of me though.
What is your lane?
How many lanes have you been crossing over in your life?
Where has it felt sticky, or like you are stuck in the mud? Versus where has it felt like you could speed down the lane?
If you don't know these answers now, that is okay.
Start to think about what I am talking about above.
Going into 2022 I would love to have you going full throttle into a lane where you are destined for greatness!!!
At the end of the day we can always support each other to go faster and further within our respective lanes. :)
p.s. today I am grateful for the support of others who have invested in me to help me find a lane that I love.