What would your Island look like?!?
Jan 29, 2021 9:09 pm
What life and business teaches you...is that the outcome of anything is not based on the imagination, rather it is predicated on the constraints that the particular person/group/business is under.
The sad thing about life is the fact that most people are walking around with constraints that were bestowed upon them by society, family, or friends.
Meaning, from the time we are born, our environment dictates what we do, when we do it, why we do it, who we do it with...so on and so forth.
Then something happens though...we "grow" up. We get thrown into a world that has an open door to creating our own constraints. Unfortunately though, most people are more afraid to step into this world, than to just except the constraints they have already been living by. So basically they are in life jail. No wonder most people are miserable. :(
I want you to do something right now. It'll take one minute of time.
Pretend you were born TODAY. Instead of being a baby though, you are exactly who you are as an adult, minus the societal, family, friend...constraints that have been placed on you.
Take away the pressure to make money.
The pressure to go to the school or get the job others want of you.
The constraint of where you "have" to live on this planet.
And the people you "must" continue hanging around.
Break all of it.
Put yourself on an island with no constraints. You can build anything you want. Become anyone you'd like to become. And have a community of others who support all of that.
What would that look like?
Who would you look like?
Why would you choose all that?
You can have everything you just stated above.
But it'll take YOU making the CHOICE to break away from the chains of the constraints other people have put on you.
How do I know this?
I have done it.
I left my "home" town and created my own. One that is soooooo much better FOR ME than what used to be.
I left my career and created my own. One that plays to my strengths, lights up my heart and soul up every day, and surrounds me with highly intelligent and curious people that teach me new things ALL THE TIME. And the funny part is, I have spoken at billion dollar corporations like Atlassian and FaceBook...how ironic it was to go back into the environment I left, only to have a full crowd listening to what I had to say of my own story.
I left the constraints of how I had to "act," what I had to "look/dress" like...and instead created my own version of myself. I now have a full tattoo sleeve that goes onto my hand. "OMG he has a hand tattoo..." Yes I do. And I own that shit. It is ME. I have podcasted, modeled, been in magazines, ran events during SXSW on the rooftop in downtown ATX with drones flying around capturing me...all because I decided to write my own constraints about WHO I am, and WHY I am here on this earth.
^^^ none of this is to brag. I am actually still far away from the island I have envisioned in my own head. Yet, I am thoroughly enjoying the process of building it.
And I want you enjoying the process TOO!!!!
So take some time this weekend to think about your island.
What would it look like?
Who would be on it with you?
Why would it be YOURS?
Write this shit down!!! Then hold yourself accountable to taking small steps each day to bring YOUR ISLAND to life.
And if you ever need help in the construction of your personal island, don't be a stranger, I'd love to help!
Have a wonderful weekend!!!
p.s. today I am grateful my mother-in-law landed safely in the ATX yesterday. It is always nice to have guests.