I don't care about your opinions...

Feb 10, 2021 8:51 pm

Don't just talk about it.

Be about it!

I am not here for your likes.

I am here to ACTUALLY DO THE WORK necessary to become my best self, so that I then have the energy to help others do the same...and ultimately make this world a better place together.

To be honest, I don't care what you "say" is necessary in this world. The changes you say "need" to be made. The social posts you make stating your opinion about the above.

Stop it.

Encourage others to stop it to.

And instead...


I want to see you do something about it!!!

I don't just say this shit, I mean it.


No really, watch this.

It is a short clip of one of the teen students I help teach every Tuesday night. Last night was podcast night, and all 14 teens got to record their first ever 10-minute podcast with me.

IT WAS AWESOME!!! They did such an amazing job and I am feeling so inspired today.

I can't do the work alone though.

I need your help on this journey.

So today I ask you to go out into the world and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Aka all the opinions you have had, GO TURN THEM INTO ACTION.

As for me, the education system failed me. So I am on the path to providing experiences for youth/teens/young professionals so that they don't feel like it failed them too.

I will do my part to help others have a better experience than I had.

Scratch that.


But what are you doing?!



p.s. you are probably doing a lot to help others right now, and for that I am grateful. Remember though, "a lot" is not the goal in life. "Busy" is also not the goal. Find ways to make an impact each and every day. It can be in small ways, or in large ways, they all add up in this world. I am grateful for all the ways you have been making an impact over the years!!! We shall keep being consistent with it. :)
