I cried this morning...
Apr 18, 2021 7:41 pm
"This is my life, and I am fighting for it every day." - Tony Reyes aka @focusfightfinish on IG.
I cried a few times watching THIS VIDEO of Tony proving to himself that he can become a better man.
He got up to 406lbs and decided to make a change.
For me, it was the opposite.
Skinny, insecure kid, who got bullied for being diminutive.
My entire life I just wanted to be strong.
I wanted to be seen as someone people could look up to.
But my body would let me down time and time again.
Until I decided enough was enough.
And for me, that time was during my first year of college.
I was tired of getting pushed around on the soccer field.
So the minute my freshmen season ended...I basically lived in the gym.
I decided to show up every single day no matter how I felt.
I obsessed over the process.
That decision changed my life forever.
Not only did I end up putting on 25+lbs of muscle...
it made me realize that the "season" of life is never going to be over...until my heart stops beating.
So I need to train every day like I am in "season."
Enough of me though, this is about the video and Tony.
At the very end when he crosses the finish line, and kisses his little son, I lost it.
Because not only did he change his own life, he now has shown his baby what is possible.
He single handedly changed his son's life by making one decision...RUN A MARATHON.
And I am sure his son will go off to inspire other people some day too.
This is what we all don't realize.
That not only is life a never ending season...
but we are all on the same team.
We can ALL help each other become better human beings.
So I will now ask you, what are you training for? What personal limits and barriers are you pushing through?
Because you are not in this alone.
You have the ability to impact others!
strive together, THRIVE TOGETHER.
I love you.
Go spread the love!!!
p.s. I find myself getting better at crying. I am grateful for this. I used to bottle so much of my emotions up and it would cause numerous problems in my life. I want to be a man that can inspire other men to be vulnerable. It feels good to be heading down the path where I can feel myself changing. The practice is making progress.