What seeds are you planting?
Apr 12, 2022 1:05 pm
Judge each day not by the harvest you reap but by the seeds you plant.
—William A. Ward
We live in such a privileged society.
Think about this...
Every time you want food or water...
You turn your faucet on, or open your fridge/pantry.
Something so simple that we all forget about.
Without food and water we wouldn't survive.
And because this need is met so easily for you, you are left to stress about work, relational drama, the driver who cut you off on the freeway...on and on and on.
Imagine this though...
You wake up and you have to work in the fields all day to plant seeds so that you have enough food for winter.
Now replace "seeds" with whatever it is you truly need to be doing with your life.
If you don't plant your seeds now, you will starve in the future.
And right now, there are a lot of overweight people who are starving.
Food and water for most are not the issue.
They are craving a life that has meaning.
The reality?
The meaning comes during the effort you put into planting the seeds and watering them.
The meaning does not come on the day you reap the harvest.
We are now 1-quarter of the way through 2022. Damn time flies.
Let me ask you this...
What seeds did you plant in the first 3 months of this year?
If you haven't been thinking of your life in this manner, that is okay.
Moving forward, I highly recommend you transition your mindset to focusing on the seeds you plant, rather than the harvests you are trying to reap.
And you can start TODAY!
What seeds will you plant today which will reap you fruit for your lifetime?
p.s. today I am grateful that I live in a day an and age where our worries are merely concentrated to frivolous things, and not harvesting our food as individuals. It certainly brings a huge sense of gratitude to every day.