When you get punched in the face...
Mar 24, 2023 2:30 pm
How do you respond?
Last month my podcast got punched in the face.
I had the worst month of downloads since 2021.
Look at the huge drop-off at the right of this graph.
I won't sugar coat it.
After investing hundreds of hours, thousands of dollars, and pouring everything I have into building the show...
It fucking sucked to see the dip that I saw.
The feeling of frustration only lasted a few moments though.
As I couldn't help but to shake my head and smirk.
➡️ Because being the greatest at what you do, it doesn't come without dips.
In fact, as Mr. James Bond above would tell me, the label of being 007 doesn't get earned without being willing to get shot at.
And while I will leave the dangerous missions to Mr. Bond, I do recognize that for me to earn the label as a world class podcaster, I must fight back even harder during the times where it's not necessarily going my way.
This month I fought back even harder and it has been paying off.
One way I did so was by challenging myself to improve the production of my podcast on my YouTube channel.
My theory was:
By producing higher quality clips, that are more valuable to the market, the return on that investment will be my downloads increasing again.
And one of the episodes/clips I am most proud of thus far is my most recent episode with Matt Choi.
or if you just have a few minutes, and want a quick boost of motivation ⬇️
Watch a 3 minute motivational clip from the episode here
You may be reading this and currently in your own moment of getting "punched in the face.
And I want to be the guy that helps you recognize that not only can you handle the punch, you are strong enough to fight back!!!
Remember this ⬆️ always.
p.s. today I am grateful for all the people who have helped me improve my processes and systems along the way. I feel so much more confident in what I am doing because of you.