Oct 12, 2022 1:03 pm
called I'll share with you and you share with me.
As we move closer to the end of this year, it will mark over 2 years since I started writing this newsletter.
And upon reflecting on this, I acknowledged within myself a few ways I want to move forward with these messages.
One of the acknowledgements is to add a bit more structure to them.
An example would be to have themes and formats for the different days of the week, yet every week the formats for that day would remain the same.
"Wisdom Wednesday" <---- I am not doing this theme, but just showing you what I mean lol.
This will allow me to better plan ahead, which means I will be able to be more valuable to YOU... my greatest goal of them all.
I just shared with you, so If you have any other ideas to SHARE WITH ME on how I can be better, more creative, more educational, more fun for you, please let me know. :)
Here's one of my format ideas...
My latest Amazon Purchase:
A Million Miles in a Thousand Years: How I Learned to Live a Better Story
My Latest Podcast Listen:
The Game w/ Alex Hormozi
3 Steps That Will Double Your Profits in 8 Weeks | Ep 444
I plan to get more creative with this one where it goes into "what's my latest weird obsession, what's the last photo on my iPhone, what food am I currently addicted to....LOL.
Why a theme like this?
- It gives you practical insight into how I am spending my time, so if you wish to learn the things I am learning, meet the people I am meeting, and have fun along the way, this may help.
- I am hoping you respond back with your own version of this format so I can learn from you!!!
p.s. today I am grateful for fall candles lol. But really, they bring such a warm and comforting vibe to any space they are in, I highly recommend them. :)