Who stole my catalytic convertor?!?
Oct 03, 2022 2:07 pm
Like the stock market, if you look at life in the short term, it is a constant of ups and downs.
I am feeling ^^^ this right now.
Over the weekend I competed in HYROX NYC with my lifelong friend Alex.
He crushed it!
We crushed it!
And I was riding that high all the way back to the ATX....
Until I went and turned my truck on in the airport parking lot.
My face in that moment was much like Steve Harvey's lol.
The engine in my truck sounded like I was about to get ready to enter a monster truck arena LMAO.
I wish it was that.
That would have been fucking cool!
Instead, I had to come to the realization that I was the victim of a stolen catalytic convertor.
And apparently I am not the only one dealing with this.
Looks like Austin Airport is a hot spot for this.
So why am I telling you any of this?
I can replace a catalytic convertor.
Nothing I can control about that.
Yet, I can control my interpretation of it all, and how I let it impact me.
That is where the long view comes in.
Months from now this week will just be a blip on the radar.
Years from now... all but forgotten.
But why right now does my blood boil?
Why does my mind race?
How come my entire soul is saddened?
Because of my fight or flight response.
Our bodies are trained to respond to threats in a certain way.
Most of us never do the work to counteract these responses and control them in a manner that we wish to control them.
Most of us are only looking at the short view.
I won't lie, I was fucking heated yesterday.
Mostly because I have so much going on right now and the last thing I needed was another thing added to the plate for Erin and I to deal with.
But that is where perspective comes in...
Do I really have that much "going on?"
Or is it my mind just reacting to the situation, rather than me consciously responding?
A conscious response looks like this...
- Nobody is hurt, it's just a truck.
- The truck isn't stolen, that is a positive.
- It is not within my control to change what happened, but I can control my attitude and energy moving forward.
Forget the truck.
How often do you find yourself in fight or flight response throughout your days/weeks/months/life?
Are you reacting?
Or are you responding?
Think on ^^^ this today.
p.s. I am grateful for the experience I had at HYROX this past weekend. Memories like that, with people I love, they are truly what life is all about.