Run for something, not from something.

Feb 08, 2023 3:07 pm

For the majority of my life I was running FROM something.

Running to escape the feelings, hide the pain, and forget my problems.

These days, I run FOR something.

I run to remember those who can’t anymore.

I run to inspire myself, and others, to become better versions of themselves.

I run because having the ability to do so is one of the greatest gifts I have been granted as a human being.

I run for the belief that with every step I take, I’m gaining energy that will help me continue to make this world a better place.

Running FOR something has changed my life forever.

And I want the same for you!


Even if it is just for 1-minute of time...

Get up and go jog/run.

Feel the air coming into your lungs.

Acknowledge how fortunate you are to be able to move.

Think of something to RUN FOR.

And keep showing up every day moving FORward with that thought in mind.

So much love to you and everyone around you.



p.s. today I am grateful for all the people who I have been in my thoughts over all the running I have done. You don't even know it, but you are making me a better me just by being who you are, and giving me something to run FOR.
