How to BECOME your destined self.

Feb 04, 2021 7:31 pm

Fulfilling your dream of becoming the person you wish you could is simple, yet it is not easy.

The steps to becoming the someone you have always wanted to become...

  1. Think about WHO you want to be.
  2. Speak about the ACTIONS needed to achieve that.
  3. BE ABOUT IT. Take the actions that you have spoken about.
  4. Become it.

The more you speak about it, the more likely you will pressure yourself into "being" about it. Then the more you "be about it," the more likely you will BECOME IT.

Now let me be clear, I don't mean "speak" in terms of you go around just spewing unrealistic nonsense to people, or unauthentically saying things just to seem "cool."

I mean that little voice in your head every day...SPEAK ABOUT YOUR DREAMS to yourself.

When things get hard, SPEAK ABOUT YOUR DREAMS.

Then once you create the habit of speaking it to yourself, start speaking it to others around you.

Here is the crucial may be too nerve wracking to speak to your inner circle of friends/family out of fear of judgement.

So here is the solution, the next time an acquaintance, or someone you meet, if they ask you about the life you want to live...or even the one you are currently living...SPEAK ABOUT YOUR DREAM(s). Speak about it!!!

Then do it over, and over, and over again. Until you literally force yourself to start taking action and creating the habits necessary to make your dreams come to reality.

Record your journey through this.

Document the process of recreating yourself.

Have a journal, use apps to write down and document your thoughts, collect photos and videos of your experiences, BUILD THE HABIT of tracking your progress and speaking your destined future into existence.




Happy Thrive Thursday!!! Go out there today and take steps towards bringing your destiny to life.



p.s. today I am grateful I got to host two workouts with WHOOP yesterday, and another one today. It happened because I literally practice the steps I speak of above. I can attest to their significance on changing my life for the better.
