Stop your suffering
Dec 09, 2020 7:08 pm
Stop suffering from your own indecision.
It has been a whirlwind week and a half (in a good way).
So today I will listen to my mind & body and make the decision take a break where I can.
Decisions can be stressful.
Decisions can be difficult.
Decisions can be hard.
But it is important that the decisions you GET to make today (switch "have to, with GET TO"), remind yourself that they are a gift granted by those who came before you.
And while in the moment it may seem as if the world is against you, or that life has it out to get you...
it is important to remember that this is not the true reality. It is just one day within all the days. It will come and go. The feelings will surface and pass.
So stop allowing yourself to suffer over your indecisions. Lean into the decisions you are making with full force. GO ALL IN ON THEM! And no matter the outcome, just keep going. Lean in, again, and again, and again.
Earlier this year, I read Martin Luther King's autobiography. Within the book it talks about the decision he made to keep his family (his wife, newborn, himself) in his home that was recently threatened and bombed. It was either leave the house, protect his family, but backdown to the racist oppressors...or stay in the house and make a statement. He chose to make a statement. And because he did so, it further progressed a movement that made the world a better place for billions of people.
Can you imagine how hard of a decision that was? On one hand he wanted to protect his immediate family, on the other he wanted to protect the entire African-American society.
I find myself remembering this story anytime I find myself struggling to make a decision. I tell myself that if people such as MLK can make decisions as tough as he made, the decisions I make are literally like a kid in a candy store...easy to make me happy no matter which decision I make.
Because the reality is, my decisions will NEVER BE AS HARD as the one you heard above. And having the self-awareness to realize how privileged you are to be making the decisions you are making in the first place, that is the start to relinquishing the suffering that being indecisive will cause you.
Have a wonderful Wednesday! Go make a bunch of decisions and leap into taking massive ACTION!!!
p.s. today I am grateful for all the "stressful" decisions I have had to make in my life. Looking back, they weren't as important as my mind made them seem in that moment. Today I remind myself that so that I can make quicker, stronger decisions in my every day life.