Hunt Discomfort.

Nov 15, 2022 2:11 pm

Happy Tuesday!

I won't lie, I feel like absolute trash this morning.

Drastic temperature changes always mess up my sinuses, maybe you can relate.. IT SUCKS.


But I am out here dealing with it and doing the best I can to move the needle forward today.

Last night during my weekly Men We Admire call, we were fortunate enough to have a guest speaker hyping us up.

Sterling Hawkins joined the group to discuss how "Hunting Discomfort" #nomatterwhat ... will guide you during the toughest times in your life.

And his message really got me thinking...

I didn't think the discomfort I would be hunting the next morning was a throbbing headache and blowing my nose every few minutes. LOL.

However, I did start thinking about one particularly thing that he mentioned during his talk ...


He mentioned that when you set goals that require you to "get uncomfortable," you don't have to immediately do the uncomfortable thing.

Aka you don't have to make yourself feel overwhelmed.

Instead, you can ask yourself, what other area of life can you seek a discomfort that is less daunting, yet it will also help you build confidence and a skill set to "HUNT THE DISCOMFORT" of you larger goal in mind.

Example: Let's say you want to build up the courage to be a public speaker on a stage in front of hundreds, maybe thousands of people.

What can you do that is less daunting, yet it will build up your communication skills and your confidence?

Record podcasts.

Host webinars.

Produce REELS and TikToks.

Go to networking events.

The above wasn't some random example I chose.

It was my own!

Over 3 years ago ,one of the main reasons I started a podcast, was because I wanted to acquire better speaking and interviewing skills....

All because I wanted ti have the confidence and courage to speak in front of thousands of people one day.

And what better way to gain those skills than to host conversations with your friends?!?!?!


What is your major UNCOMFORTABLE goal?

And what can you do today that us less daunting?


Then go out into the word and continue to HUNT every single day. ;)

It will begin to pay you dividends that you cannot even fathom yet.



p.s. I am grateful for the time I got to spend with Erin, Noah, Kent, Matt and Julie this past weekend. The people in my life bring me so much joy just by being themselves.
