Stop distracting yourself from what you truly want!
Mar 04, 2022 2:01 pm
What is it that we are all after?
The good life, right?
Do you agree that you have control over everything listed above?
Here is the problem...
How often do you find yourself distracted from controlling the things above?
How often do you find yourself allowing the world, and other people, dictate how you feel at any given moment during your day?
Let you let what you "feel" get the best of you and you take actions that you are not proud of?
We all do it.
We are human.
I have said/done many things that would make me look absolutely crazy if a camera was following me in that moment.
So have you.
And you are bullshitting yourself if you think otherwise.
The thing is, over the years, I have utilized reminders like the photo abovento get better at controlling my controllables and help myself become a better human being.
I still fail.
I still fuck up.
I still let the world, and other people, control me at times.
But I am aware of it.
And my goal is to help you become aware of it too.
So that we can take ACTION in the direction of self-improvement... TOGETHER!
It is Friday.
Which means you are entering yet another weekend.
Another opportunity to take control over WHAT YOU WANT FROM YOUR LIFE!
Hold yourself accountable this weekend.
And let's THRIVEONLIFE together.
p.s. Today I am grateful for the amount of friends I have that travel through Austin and choose to spend time with me. It seems every weekend there is a new guest here in town, and I am so grateful for the moments I get with other people that help me feed my flame. This morning I will be completing a 5-mile run on Lady Bird Lake with one of those friends.