How to wake up WEALTHY...

Mar 09, 2022 2:29 pm

Open your eyes and be one of the lucky people who woke up today.

Get it?

You woke up and get to see another day.

Why is that not enough wealth for you?


Every high achiever I know, including myself, we struggle with this question.

We struggle with the balance of being grateful for "what is," yet, also not satisfied with "what is."

This existential angst that humans face, it has created all progress that this world has ever seen.

Without this feeling, we would not be compelled to innovate.

When does innovation become problematic though?

In my eyes, it becomes problematic when we forget how to be humans.

And unfortunately, that is happening right in front of you...right now.

Humans weren't made to sit at desks all day.

To stare at screens all day.

To be alone all day.


These things cause us to forget what TRUE WEALTH actually is.








[insert more words that end with ing] lol

Being ALIVE is wealth.

Have you forgotten this?!?! ^^^

Right now I want you to take a deep breath.

Do you feel the air going into your lungs?

Yeah that is a luxury my friend.

There is someone out there right now struggling to breathe.

And yet you just took a breath so freely.

Something so simple, the thing we do most throughout the day, the thing we are completely unaware of in most circumstances, our breath... is a representation of wealth.

I felt the urge to remind you of this today, as I too needed the reminder.

With some major decisions in my life currently on my plate, remembering to breathe, and realizing how wealthy with LIFE I already am, it brings a calmness to every decision I get to make moving forward.

If you too are making some big decisions, I highly recommend you start reflecting on how wealthy you already are.

Have a wonderful Wednesday!



p.s. I am grateful for every breath I get to take on this journey called life.
