Every DESIRE is a chosen unhappiness.

Dec 09, 2021 7:48 pm

Today I am going to write a clip from my favorite book The Almanack of Naval Ravikant.

"I think the most common mistake for humanity is believing you're going to be made happy because of some external circumstance. I know that's not original. That's not new. It's fundamental Buddhist wisdom ----- I'm not taking credit for it. I think I really just recognize it on a fundamental level, including in myself.

We bought a new car. Now, I'm waiting for the new car to arrive. Of course, every night, I'm on the forums reading about the car. Why? It's a silly object. It's a silly car. It's not going to change my life much or at all. I know the instant the car arrives I won't care about it anymore. The thing is, I'm addicted to the desiring. I'm addicted to the idea of this external thing bringing me some kind of happiness and joy, and this is completely delusional.

Looking outside yourself for anything is the fundamental delusion. Not to say you shouldn't do things on the outside. You absolutely should. You're a living creature. There are things you do. You locally reverse entropy. That's why you're here.

You're meant to do something. You're not meant to lie there in the sand and meditate all day long. You should self-actualize. You should do what you are meant to do.

The idea that you're going to change something in the outside world, and that is going to bring you peace, everlasting joy, and happiness you deserve, is a fundamental delusion we all suffer from, including me. The mistake over and over and over is to say 'Oh, I'll be happy when I get that thing,' whatever it is. That is the fundamental mistake we all make, 24/7, all day long."



Then one of my favorite paragraphs in the entire book is written shortly after the above.

"Desire is a contract you make with yourself to be unhappy until you get what you want. I don't think most of us realize that's what it is. I think we go about desiring things all day long and then wonder why we're unhappy. I like to stay aware of it, because then I can choose my desires very carefully. I try not to have more than one big desire in my life at any given time, and i also recognize it as the axis of my suffering. I realize the area where I've chosen to be unhappy.



I am not going to tell you how to interpret any of the above. That is for you to do. What I will say, is these few paragraphs have had a major impact on my life. When I reflected on my own life and realized how at certain times I desired attention, love, toys, accolades, jobs, on and on and on.... getting the things I desired never made me eternally happy.

What did make me happy though was letting go of expectations and embracing every moment I had the chance to be alive. The little things. Like going for a run, or a community workout, or the small goofy moments in the grocery store with Erin.

Funny right? The things that just happen, the things we aren't actively desiring... tend to bring us the most peace and happiness if we truly think about our lives.

I hope this message impacts you in some shape or form.



p.s. today I am grateful for books that enlighten me and make my life more fulfilling.
