Earn $$$ with your mind...
Dec 03, 2021 7:42 pm
not your time.
Are you trading time for money?
Meaning, do you show up to a job (showing up these days for some is just walking into their home office) and solely making your money off of whatever hours you input?
It's great you are making money.
Money buys more time.
Time = freedom.
But what if you didn't have to "work" to earn that time?
What if your money made you more money, and you used your MIND to make that happen?
This is the sole equation I have spent an insane amount of hours studying.
*** One key here is it is not a "what if." It is completely doable.***
Millions of people at this point have mastered it.
No matter what your parents say, doubting friends say, the TV says... you can use your mind to build things that will make you $$$ when you sleep.
And more importantly, YOU WILL FEEL BETTER from earning that $$$ because it was from your own thinking and doing. Also, you can build things THAT ACTUALLY HELP PEOPLE and make the world a better place.
How do I know this? I do it every day.
Here is an example:
I have a podcast, maybe you know that. (thriveonlife.com/podcasts)
At the beginning of that podcast I have a discount (THRIVE15 which can be used at howdoyouhealth.com for supplements and visits).
If you use that code...
- Most importantly, you will be bettering your health. I literally take these supplements EVERY SINGLE DAY, and I get a vitamin IV once a week. I have saved my own life by focusing on this part of my health.
- I make commission off of the sale.
- The business grows, and my stake of the company becomes more valuable due to the business growth.
The kicker is, you can use that code when I am asleep. You can use it when I am on vacation. You can use it when I am at the gym working out. You can use it at anytime you want. Meanwhile, I have the freedom to be doing whatever I want while you use that code. Aka my mind was used to help build out the infrastructure to get paid $$$, rather than just using my hours to make money.
The thing is, I am obsessed with the process. So not only do I build things that make money while I sleep, I also get paid for my hours of consulting. This is called compounding your leverage.
On top of this, extra money earned by Erin and I gets invested into HSA/401k/Ira/Stocks/Crypto/Real Estate/Businesses.
Why am I telling you all of this?
And to make that happen, you must understand how the game is played to have a chance at WINNING IT!
I can help you with understanding the rules to this game we play.
I can help you THRIVE.
At the end of January / early February I will be releasing a course that helps with this.
Blah blah blah yes another person doing a course.
The fact is, I have had to learn this shit the hard way. Years of trial and error.
You on the other hand can invest about $100 and literally learn how to do everything I talked about above within a month.
If this interests you at all...
I will just need your name and email in this Google Form.
If it doesn't interest you, no sweat, I hope one day you open up your mind to you earning your freedom as well. You deserve it!
Happy Friday fam!
Time for me to go put in about 12 hours of work at the How Do You Health Festival. If you are going, please come connect with me!
p.s. I love building systems. Seriously. Because of this, I am grateful for all the technology and courses that have helped me along the way.