Dec 16, 2021 6:37 pm
A person who thinks all the time
Has nothing to think about except thoughts
So, he loses touch with reality and lives in a world of illusions
By thoughts I mean specifically, chatter in the skull
Perpetual and compulsive repetition of words, of reckoning and calculating
I'm not saying that thinking is bad
Like everything else, it's useful in moderation
A good servant, but a bad master
And all so-called civilized peoples
Have increasingly become crazy and self-destructive
Because through excessive thinking they have lost touch with reality
That's to say
Most of us would have rather money than tangible wealth
And a great occasion is somehow spoiled for us unless photographed
And to read about it the next day in the newspaper
Is oddly more fun for us than the original event
This is a disaster
For as a result of confusing the real world of nature with mere signs
We are destroying nature
We are so tied up in our minds that we've lost our senses
Time to wake up
What is reality?
Obviously, no one can say
Because it isn't words
It isn't material, that's just an idea
Reality is-
I'm not trying to put you down
It's an expression of you as you are
Listen to the song version of this ^^^ HERE
What reality are you living in?
One with constant chatter in your mind that consumes you?
Or one that refuses to oblige to the constant bombardment of irrational thoughts that you have, and instead focuses on utilizing the energy you have, to bring your life .... TO LIFE.
If you don't meditate, I highly recommend you start a practice.
Start to notice how rampant your thoughts can run.
Example: when you shower. How often do you get in the shower, and before you know it, the shower is over? Because you let your thoughts wander in whatever seems to be pulling you in the moment. Yet, why can't you just stand in the shower and BE. Why can't you feel the water running over your body without the need to think of whatever is going on outside of yourself?
Another example, brushing your teeth. Why can't you just think about brushing? Where does your mind go?
I use these two examples because everyone brushes their teeth, and takes a shower. At least I hope for their own sake they do lol.
For the previous couple years this has been one of my many focal points.
How can I train my brain to just BE in the present moment, rather than OVERTHINKING. It has had a profound positive impact on all areas of my life.
And now I hope to inspire you to start practicing the same thing!
So today, on this lovely THRIVE THURSDAY, I ask you to start noticing when and where you let your thoughts control you. Noticing them is the first step to gaining back your BEING.
p.s. I realized yesterday that I have written over 300 morning emails. These days I hardly look at what day it is because it has become such a habit of mine. I am beyond grateful I found a "practice" like this that helps me help others. The reality of it, it is my own therapy.