Stop striving for PERFECTION!!!

Feb 12, 2021 8:48 pm

Instead, start taking ACTION!!!

Yesterday, on my Instagram stories, I named the word of the day "iterate."

To represent the word I showcased the photo below.


As you can see, the lighting and scenery in the second photo makes the video look SOOOO MUCHHHH BETTER than the first one.

Why am I showing you this?!?

Because somewhere in your life you have thought about doing something new. But instead of starting it, you put it on the back burner because you are not up to the imaginary standards you have in your head. Aka you are trying to be a pro/expert/master from the start....therefore you never even began.

One of my callings in life is to challenge people to reach their full potential. This means that a lot of people can get irritated by me, even my own wife.


Next time you think of starting something new, instead of being scared/irritated/annoyed with yourself, I want you to remember this photo I took above. Even though I am in the world of media, I start things even if they look "shitty" from the start because I do not fear the judgement of others. I know that life is just a culmination of getting a little bit better each and every day. Yet, most never have a chance to get better because they never even start.

And I would feel upset with myself if I did not encourage YOU to start the things that are going on in your mind.

***I'd love to know what you have thought about starting. Whether it is an idea/project/business. Every day of my life is comprised of helping all age groups get their ideas off the ground. From High School teenagers, to young professionals, all the way up to some in their 60's...this is my passion!!! And I want to see more of your passions come to life!!!***

Have a wonderful weekend! Happy Valentine's Day to all the couples out there.



p.s. today I am grateful for the opportunity to speak for SXSW Education later this afternoon. Sarah Hernholm the founder of WIT, and one of our teen leaders will be on a panel with me to discuss how important Community is to our well-being. Today is a dream come true for me! Go make one of your dreams come to life too!
