Master yourself, master your life.

Jun 16, 2021 6:20 pm

The world doesn't owe you anything.


I think this is one of the major society flaws today...believing that the world owes anything to you.

The moment you realize you are the master of your own universe, and that you have the power to create the life you have always dreamed matter how dark your past was, or your current situation is...the moment you step up to being the the moment your life will change forever.

And believe it or not, it all starts in your mind.

Because you will never get good fruit off of a bad tree.

So if you have bad thoughts, you'll have a bad life.

Yet, if you have great, abundant, positive thoughts...even in the hardest/darkest/most trying will have an amazing life.

The best part about all of this...


It has no dollar $$$ amount attached to it.

Meditation is free.

Going on walks is free.

Listening to the birds is free.

Sitting in the sun is free.

Exercise is free.

So many of the things you can do to build up the power of your mind... are free.

Okay CJ I get it. Be the master of my own then master my own life. Yadda yadda.

But how do I start?

Ask yourself these two simple questions...

"How often do I wake up in the morning excited for the day I am about to have? How often do I wake up in love of my own life?"

Is it 1 out of every 365 days?

Or 365 days out of 365 days?

Whatever your ratio is above..

you then must ask yourself this next question...

"What excites me abut the days that I am excited? What makes me feel in love with the days I am in love with my life?"

Then all you have to do...

Is write down a strategy and plan to have more of those days.

Will it take more time from you to get there? Yes.

Will it take hard work? Yes.

Will it cost you energy? Yes.

Will it cost you money? Yes.

Will it be uncomfortable? Yes.

The end result you will be LIVING more days that you are in love with and excited about.

Shouldn't you be willing to pay whatever the price is to get that?!?!

Sadly, most would rather live a life of comfortable indifference, than to fight for a passionate, pleasurable, and peaceful existence.

Idk about you, I don't ever want to be like most.

And I am here to encourage you to stand up and say the same thing.

Have a wonderful Wednesday!



p.s. today I am grateful that I got to spend an entire day yesterday with my parents, my brother and his wife, and their puppy...doing what we love...being outdoors. It is rare that I get to spend time with all of them at once, so I am soaking it all in. I miss Erin dearly though, and we both are working really hard to be in a place where we can have trips like this one with all of our family and friends more often. I will make it happen.
