Becoming superhuman.

Mar 04, 2021 8:05 pm

We overestimate what we can accomplish in a year, and underestimate what we can in 10 years.

This is me almost exactly 12 years ago, age 18, on my senior year spring break trip in Florida.


I tell my wife all the time, I feel like I have lived multiple lives. To be honest, I don't even remember being this person you see above. Let me clarify, I remember EXACTLY how insecure I was, frustrated I was, sick (my stomach was really messed up) I was, and so unsure about who I was, why I was here, and what I wanted from my life.

I was so skinny (weighed 115lbs) I couldn't even fit in adult clothes my senior year. And I refused to be seen in the kid section at Kohls lol, so I would wear baggy clothes wayyyy too big for me to hide it all.

I am not bullshitting this....look at this picture below. LOL. What am I doing?!?!? It is also funny that my angel (my wife) was standing right next to me in a time of my life I felt the absolute worst. We both were dating other people at the time though. (This is a story for another time).


Aka I guess I was 18 .... lol. You, me, we.... most likely struggled with some form of the above around that age. Teenage years are extremely hard for many people.

My question is how many people let those years go on to dictate the rest of their lives?!?

This is where I refused to let that happen.

When I say I don't remember, I mean I am so different now that it is hard for me to even believe that was me. I have invested so much into my mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing... that I wholeheartedly believe I have changed my genetic pathway for myself and my future offspring. (I am huge on epigenetics. Don't know what that is? Go research it! I recommend everyone go down that rabbit whole).

Okay okay, this message may seem like it is all about me, which is not my intent. I am just the example for you to relate to.

This email is ALL ABOUT YOU.

What have you done since 18 to CHANGE the insecurities that you experienced during that time?

Why am I having you reflect on this?

...Because right now you may still have insecurities, illnesses, and problems. WE ALL DO. We are human!

Yet, RIGHT NOW YOU HAVE A CHOICE. You can remain complacent and stay the same person you are today...for the rest of your days.


You CAN become the superhuman version of yourself.

And I don't mean that you will acquire super powers, or start flying one day like superman.

What I mean, is that you too could become the somebody you always dreamed of becoming. The person that looks back on their old selves and struggles to remember how that person even existed. You will then have people reaching out to you with questions on how they too can become superhuman. Because whether you like it or not, people will notice. And because you didn't underestimate yourself, you will be able to help those that notice you, START NOTICING THE SUPERHUMAN CAPABILITIES WITHIN THEMSELVES.

Just like I am hoping to do for you right now.


I am living proof that when you match the strength of your manifestations/meditations, with the same amount of execution and work ethic, you will change the course of your entire life, and this will have a ripple effect for everyone and everything around you.


The above photo is still a man with insecurities, issues, problems, adversity, and a lot of questioning of his own life...the man is far from perfect. Yet, today he exists as someone who is built to withstand what life has in store for him. A decade ago, that was not the case.

Start your decade towards becoming your personal superhuman RIGHT NOW!

And feel free to share any similar stories you have with me. It is literally fuel to my fire to continue my own journey, as well as help as many people as I can. But more importantly, it is your own fuel. The more you tell your past stories, the more likely you are to take action on WRITING YOUR FUTURE ONE...rather than having it written for you.

Happy Thrive Thursday!



p.s. today I am grateful for the people in my life who have questioned me over the years. Their questions have sharpened my self-awareness and made me a better human being. I am beyond grateful for it.
