BUSY is not a BADGE!

Dec 13, 2021 7:43 pm

Busyness is blinding.

Has someone ever asked you how are things are going.. and you respond "I am really busy..."

Or you ask that question to others and they respond that way....


Probably happens more times than you even realize.

I swear people feel like they are getting a Pokemon badge or some shit for saying how busy they are.


Here is a fun fact, the wealthiest people on this planet, they aren't the ones with the most amount of zero's in their bank accounts.

The wealthiest people have the time and freedom to spend with their family/friends.

They have the ability to work on their passions every day.

They can travel and experience new things whenever they want.

They spend a lot of their days in a flow state around what they love to do while here on this earth.

And they get there by realizing the opposite of "busy" is the real goal.




I used to be the busy bee.

And while I still "do" a lot during a typical day, I refuse to spend my time in ways that are not productive to my mission.

I want to help you achieve the same thing!!!

But "CJ I have so many text messages to answer, people to call back, emails to respond to..."

Another fun fact...

right now I have 104 unread texts.

20+ unread dms from the 5 + accounts I help manage.

my gmail icon is at 2403 unread emails because I refuse to open a lot of them.

And I am not bullshitting. Those around me have seen my phone and mention that stresses them out lol.


I am not busy though.

"Busy" is a decision.

And as soon as I started to decide that it was a choice, rather than something "successful" people must go through... my life became a lot better.

I answer the messages I want to answer. Most go unread and unanswered because if you really needed me you would call.

I work on the projects I want to work on, not the projects that I "feel" will get me somewhere in the future.

I hang around the people I want to hang around based on who inspires me to be a better human. Not who I think can "do something for me."

And then I say NO to everything else.

The saying "no" part is what I have found to be the biggest struggle for everyone I coach and consult.

Which causes me to then reflect and ask "why does everyone struggle so much to say no?"

My conclusion, attention is a drug.

Feeling wanted/needed is a drug.

Pleasing others is a drug.

Being "liked" is a drug.

And if you aren't careful, this drug will literally cause you to become a completely different human. In some cases, it literally takes life away from people.

My solution?

Start from zero.

Meaning, today is day 1.

Wipe everything you have done away.

Your degrees, certificates, accomplishments, accolades, relationships, ALL OF IT.

Who & what would you place back on the board of life?

And why would you place them back on the board?

The reason I recommend doing this is because when we give ourselves a clean slate to work with, we typically know the true path for us.

Yet, the path is typically cloudy for most because they are attached of letting go of things on their life board. When given the permission to literally LET EVERYTHING GO though... clarity is found.

The first step to being less busy is not to do more lol. You wouldn't believe how many people erase things only to add more (hint: that use to be me).

As we approach another new year, I want you to start with a clean slate.

What do you want to add back to the 2022 board though?

Have good reasons behind your WHY, then literally say NO to everything else that tries to take up space on your sacred board of life.



p.s. today I am grateful for the mentors, books, and podcasts that have shown me the light when it comes to what a "wealthy" life truly looks like.
