Always forward, never back.

Apr 01, 2022 12:59 pm

Today, and this weekend, will mark a major step in my wife and I's life.

I can't tell you why just yet.

But what I can tell you is that we've worked extremely hard to get to this point.

And when I reflected on the question "how I got here?"

Something cool happened.

I realized that I have already been here.

Okay CJ you are now being confusing as hell.

What are you talking about.

Are you a time traveler or something?

Something I always tell my clients "be clear, not clever."

So let me stop trying to be clever lol.

In my mind I have already been to the spot I am currently at today/this weekend.

I am a dreamer.

And I spend A LOT of my time dreaming of the future.

I will be the first to tell you that it is both a blessing and a curse.

Today I want to focus on the blessing side of dreaming.

You can literally craft the life you wish to live by dreaming it up, and then reverse engineering the actions you need to take to get there.

Every single day you wake up you can take small steps towards turning that dream in to a reality.

I am not spewing bullshit right now.

I know this to be an absolute fact because I have lived it multiple times.

Sadly, I feel many people never get to have this feeling because they concentrate too much of their time on either feeling the little pains of the present, or are depressed because of their past.

The beauty of being a dreamer is that I can always choose to be happy. I can always be in the dream state even when the current moment isn't the "best."

Always forward, never back.

The subject line of this email is a reminder that when you are a forward thinker, you don't get distracted by the nuances that life will forever be throwing at you in the current moment.

Instead, you have your eyes set on your dream and you don't let the nuances have a negative impact on you in the moment. If anything, you use the trials and tribulations of your current moment / the past, as FUEL.

The problems you solve today are the jet fuel to your future.

Day by day, step by step, ALWAYS FORWARD... never back.

My hope is for you to read this and see the problems you face today as POSITIVE, rather than negative.

They are the stepping stones to the future you that you hope to be.

The only question is, are you going to step up?



p.s. today I am grateful for life itself. Living is the ultimate adventure, and I am so glad I get to take part.
