If you had only 5 years left...

Apr 04, 2022 12:29 pm

how would you spend them?

How would your decisions change today?

This was the question that got asked at the dinner table I was at last night.

First off, if you aren't having dinners with friends that raise thought provoking questions, find yourself some new friends lol.

The difference between the dinners I have now, and the dinners I had a decade ago... I can actually remember them because I am not drunk upon leaving them.

That's a discussion for a different day though.

I stated it though because it plays into the question...

If you had years 5 left, how would you spend them?

Here is the thing...

We potentially only have "5 years left" right now ... or 5 years from now our 5 year clock will start.

So how do you want to spend your time NOW.

I wanted to feel more, so I stopped drinking.

I wanted to learn more, so I stepped out of my comfort zone and built friendships with people more intelligent than me.

I wanted to explore more, so I said yes to things I normally wouldn't say yes to.

I wanted to LIVE more, so I thought about death to remind me that waking up every day is something I should be grateful for, and that "living" isn't just the highlights you see on tv/social media, it is all the beautiful in between moments that we get throughout our journey.

I changed my habits around HOW I LIVED because I realized that any given day could be the day that your 5 year clock starts ticking.

So what is it going to be for you?

What habits/people/places are you willing to let go of so that your life has the opportunity to blossom into the one that YOU dream of?

Something to ponder as you enter into this new day/new week.



p.s. I am grateful for the thought provoking questions that I have sought to find my own answers to.
