You suffer more in imagination than in reality.

Jan 25, 2021 9:21 pm

 “We suffer more in imagination than in reality.” – Seneca

My good friend Stefan Djordjevic mentioned this quote to me on Saturday, and it has been stuck in my head ever since.

It is ironic how that quote applies to my life right now. Tomorrow morning, at 5am, I will be getting prepped for a small procedure. And I will be on a liquid diet for about 36+ hours leading up to the procedure.

The weird thing is though, my mind has been racing about the whole thing for a few days now. Even though in the moment of it all, I know I will be calm & cool.

Why does my mind cause suffering long before the actual event?

This is more of a question than anything. So if you know of any scientific research behind the quote, and my own personal experience, please send it my way. :)

Today I wanted to keep it short and leave you with the same question for yourself. The less you suffer in your mind, the more peace/happiness/joy you will experience in reality.

Right now, I am literally doing my best to take it as easy as possible today which is not what I am used to LOL. Wish me luck.



p.s. today I am grateful for the amazing friends I shared time with this past weekend.
