Happy Birthday Kevin Kinnevy.
Feb 10, 2021 12:45 am
Today would have been Erin's father's 60th birthday. Unfortunately, he passed away of a heart attack while doing what he loved (spin class) in 2014.
That moment altered our lives forever. Here is a picture of him before he passed away.
His memory pushes Erin and I to live life to the fullest and to inspire and motivate others to do the same.
So this morning I hit the track in his memory and challenged myself to run a 5:30 mile again.
I share all of this with you because we need more people on this planet to realize how precious life is. If that happened, people would be more kind to themselves, and to other people around them.
Life is too short to be stressed about all the things you are letting stress you out. AND IT IS WAYYYYY TOOOO SHORTTTTT to then transfer your stress to others.
Use this story to empower yourself to make every single heartbeat you have...COUNT.
Life is too short to live it any other way.
Have a wonderful rest of your Tuesday!
p.s. today I am grateful to have a functioning body that allows me to push myself on the track and THRIVE ON LIFE. Kevin, your daughter changed my life for the better forever...you'd be so proud of her and everything she has done/will do.