What if...
Dec 16, 2020 8:25 pm
instead of wondering what could go wrong, you lean into what could go right?!?
Last night was "Final Pitch Night" for the 6-credit virtual college class that I teach. As anyone would be prior to pitching their business, the teen's nerves were high, anxiousness was visible, and confidence teetered on every word they said.
Little did they know though, the feeling was mutual. I still remember what it was like to be in their shoes, and throughout this semester I wanted to show up better for them than any teacher has ever done in the past. In some ways I did, in others I could have been better. Just like them though, I am learning too!
The difference between me as a teen, and me today, I tend to focus only on what could go right. The reality is, nothing can go "that wrong" in which we cannot adjust or adapt to it. As long as you show up, give your best, and be open to feedback on whatever the result is...YOU WIN LIFE.
This was the lesson I hope they learned and felt last night. And the lesson I hope to transfer to you right now.
This week, what have you thought about that makes you go "hmmm what if?!?!?!"
And you follow that question up with a response that is one of fear and scarcity, rather than one of optimism and abundance?
The New Year is quickly approaching, and if there is one lesson I wish I could teach everyone, it is to have an abundant mindset. To have more people shooting for the moon and landing on stars, rather than people telling others not to even jump in the first place.
Do it not because it always "makes sense," but because it makes life more fun. And if you are going to stick around on earth for awhile, YOU MIGHT AS WELL MAKE IT AS FUN AS POSSIBLE RIGHT?!?!?!?!?
So whatever "what if" question you have been asking yourself lately, I want you to think of CJ next time it pops into your mind. Ask yourself what would CJ encourage me to do?! THEN GO DO IT! :)
Feel free to share that moment with me as well.
Go crush your Wednesday!!!
p.s. today I am waking up with so much gratitude for the teens who showed up last night. They crushed it, and their pitches inspire me to continue the pursuit on my own journey. Today I am going to give my all for them.