It took DEATH, for me to truly embrace LIFE.
Dec 14, 2020 7:19 pm
"Don't ask what the world needs, ask what makes you come alive. Because what the world needs most, is more people who come alive."
- Howard Thurman
I cried for the first time in a long time this past weekend. Erin and I recently got blood work done to check on our metabolic health, as well as our heart health. And her results reminded me of how precious life is. I cannot imagine losing the love of my life. She is my best friend. The world is a better place with her on it, and I become a better man every single day because of her. Erin makes me come alive, and I cannot fathom what a day would be like without her.
So I cried.
But I also vowed to truly embrace life and continue LIVING it to its fullest.
For those that do not know, Erin's father passed away at age 53 of a heart attack. And her results show she has carried on his genetics.
This was him before he died.
Stress kills y'all. Just because you may look like you are in great shape, does not mean you are metabolically healthy. GO GET YOURSELF CHECKED OUT!!! DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!!! is a great start to see the tests/panels you can get.
If this stuff scares you, or you are unsure what steps you should take, feel free to reach out. I have been through a hell of a lot when it comes to doctor's offices, blood work, and becoming my own guinea pig.
THRIVE ON LIFE was started because I wanted to inspire the world to do more than just survive. And it exists today to motivate other people to MAKE EVERY HEARTBEAT COUNT. You are meant for more. You just have to find the source deep within yourself and use it as your fuel to your own inner fire.
One of the ways I find my own fuel source is to watch inspiring videos.
And there is one that I watch every single month to remind myself to LIVE more.
It is by a famous videographer named Sam Kolder, and it is about his reflection from the death of his brother Tim.
I highly recommend you start off your Monday off by watching this.
Hey Tim - The Story of my Life.
Feel free to cry too if you want. Use your tears to go out into the world to LIVE & LOVE a bit harder now. This world is meant to see the real YOU. All of YOU. Go give it to them!!!
Have a wonderful week!
p.s. today I am grateful for the fact that technology has advanced to the point that we have the capabilities to collect data on our own health. Erin and I are now creating a plan to help reverse her results. Years ago this opportunity did not exist. We are very grateful for the opportunity and will share whatever we can with others to inspire them to take action on their own health as well.