Stop hiding your spontaneous self!
Mar 29, 2021 6:25 pm
I have witnessed a recurring theme in my own life...
Any time I lean into the unknown, any time I openly choose to just go with the spontaneity that my heart and gut desires, the universe brings me exactly what I need.
And I believe it would be/will be the same for you if you unlock your spontaneous muscle that is lurking deep inside you.
Here is a question for you...what is the most spontaneous, and maybe "crazy" as others would tell you, thing you have ever done?!?
The thing is, what you think of for the question above ^^^ typically ends in either two ways...
- An epic story that changed your life for the better forever.
- An epic story, that while may have been slightly "bad" in the moment, is now probably a story that you tell at dinner parties and have a good laugh about. You probably also learned from that experience!
Here are two stories for me...
- I took a spontaneous trip to my wife Erin (then my friend) back in 2015. She lived in Houston at the time, and I lived across the water from Manhattan NYC, in Union city NJ. That 7 day trip changed my life forever, and when I returned to NJ, I remember telling my brother on our parent's back porch that I was going to drive back out to Erin and ask her on a date, and then I was going to marry her. My friends laughed at all this, my brother though, he told me he knew I would do it. He watched me my entire life go after my gut feelings. And now Erin and I are going on our 3rd year of marriage, living in the city that we love dearly. LEAN INTO SPONTANEITY!!! I booked the trip to her after sitting in the gym one day and sending her a nervous text message "Hey how are you?"
- Long story short, prior to Erin and I's relationship, I had gotten laid off from my job. That same week one of my best friends asked if I wanted to road trip up to Toronto and party with two girls he knew, I was going to be his wing man. During this trip I went to a club and was stone cold sober when I fell on my face, busted my chin open, and chipped my front tooth off. The funny part of this story? 2 minutes prior to this, I dropped hadn't kicked in yet when I fell. So that night I spent dancing until 4am, no front tooth, bleeding all down the inside of my shirt. This trip cost me a tooth and probably was the cause of my buddy not really hitting it off with the girl...LOL. But now I have an epic story! In addition to this, my fake tooth fell out during my bachelor party so that gave me another funny experience to talk about.
Okay I know I know that second story could have had worse consequences to it, don't go all mom mode on me. Every time you go out of your front door and drive to the grocery store it could have bad consequences too, but you still do it every week!
My point of all this is to make you realize that living the same day over and over again for 80+ years is NOT A LIFE!!!
Life is meant to be LIVED. You are meant to LOVE. You are meant to FEEL. You are meant to have EXPERIENCES and moments of time that bring you more joy than your car, house, new promotion will ever bring you.
Moments that aren't fleeting. Moments that give you a smile in your darkest of hours. And moments that amplify you during your greatest times here on this earth.
I will never forget the stories I told you above. One of them I plan to write a book about one day, the other I will tell at dinner parties for the rest of my life to remind myself that there is still an adventurous kid inside me. I never want to forget that kid.
And my hope is that with you reading this, you don't forget the kid you are either!!!
This world was created for you to be the magic and miracle it needed to stay alive. But for it to needs you to THRIVE...and for that to truly happen, you must be spontaneous and trust that the universe is planning to conspire to bring you everything you need, at the very time you need it most!!!!
Here is a laugh to kickstart your week...
The two stories I told you above collided when I bit into a burrito during my bachelor party (May 2018) and swallowed my tooth filling.
This is photo is me at one of the bars in Rainey Street here in Austin Texas. My missing tooth made me a mini celebrity that weekend LMAO. Here is a guy that also had a missing tooth ahaha.
The bachelor crew even got free drinks from multiple bachelorette parties that day because of it all.
Have an amazing week! Go do something spontaneous!
p.s. today I am grateful for dentists lol. No tooth was okay for a few days, but I am happy they were able to fix it. :)