Stop complaining, start CONTRIBUTING!
Jun 23, 2021 6:05 pm
One of my biggest pet peeves...people who complain.
We live in an era where you can go on the internet and solve almost every "problem" that you have. And heck, if you don't want to solve that problem, the internet can connect you to MILLIONS of people who can help you.
Don't like your job? Don't like your friends? Don't like where you live? Don't like how you look?
Cool, go change them.
It really is that simple.
Yet, humans... we like to complicate the fuck out of things.
We start bringing in the word "but this, and but that."
No nuts, not buts, no coconuts!!!
Idk why I said that lol. It was a saying we made as kids and I wanted a quick laugh.
Okay back to the point.
The moment you bring the word "but" into the conversation... is the moment you are making an excuse.
"But I don't have enough time." Excuse.
"But I don't have enough money." Excuse.
"But I don't know where to start." Excuse.
Many people out there, who are less intelligent than you, and less financial free as you.. they are making shit happen while you sit there with all your buts.
Literally the word "but" makes me cringe, I hope it starts doing the same for you!
Here's a simple question I ask myself that keeps me from saying "but."
"CJ, what is the highest contribution to society that you can make over your lifetime?!?"
I then respond with... I MUST become my best self to make the highest contribution possible.
Then I ask...
"Well CJ, how can you become your best self?"
I then state,
- I MUST pursue the things I am passionate about. If I am passionate about them, I will do them consistently, even when they are hard. And this consistency will lead to infinite progress over my lifetime.
- I MUST pursue things that I am naturally gifted at. I MUST roll the ball down-hill, rather than pushing the ball up-hill or constantly battling to go upstream. Life just flows when we are going down-hill!
- I MUST pursue the things that will leave a positive mark on this world, and the people who live on it. Pursuing these things makes me FEEL good, and when I feel good...I AM THRIVING.
My highest contribution to is predicated on me determining how I can combine my passions, my natural gifts/talents/acquired skills, and utilize them in an arena that has the ability to have massive impact on the world.
So now you will ask me, "how does this help you take away the word "but," and any complaints you may have?"
I have found in my life that when I strive for things that I truly care about, I will do whatever it takes to make it happen. When I care about things as much as I want to eat when I am starving, or as much as I want to breathe when I am out of breath... I will stop at nothing to make them happen.
However, when I don't care about things, I start making excuses.
The sad reality is... the most important thing we should all care about... is ourselves. And so many people out there don't care about themselves enough, so they allow themselves to have excuses. They then allow others to have excuses as well!
It is that simple.
Here's a simple example....
Overweight doctors.
For some reason, being overweight and statistically unhealthy, it is now the allowable "norm." Even when we have millions of data points that show how costly/deadly obesity is!!!
Heart disease.
All linked to one common theme. Being overweight.
But, but, but...but CJ...
But, nothing. Pure FACTS.
None of this is surprising though, when you have unhealthy think they will set the bar high for all the patients they see?!?!?
They allow people to make excuses.
Hence the society we are walking around in today. One where most people fail to take ownership over anything that they do.
Here's a fact...the more that you truly care about yourself, the less likely you are to allow negativity, and excuses, to creep up into your life.
- What are you passionate about?
- What are your natural gifts/skills that you have / have earned over your lifetime?
- What lane of life (industry / arena) do you believe you could make the biggest positive impact in?
Write this down!!! Then later this week, find a way to take your first step towards combining them.
"Brick by brick" is the slogan you need to tell yourself constantly. Lay one brick down and your friend goes "what the fuck are you building?"
Lay thousands of bricks down... and that same friend wants to chill on the inside of the castle with you.
Have a wonderful Wednesday!!!
p.s. today I am grateful to be here. I always used to want to "be somewhere else." Running around, constantly seeking more. Today I am grateful to just be where I am at. I encourage you to find the same type of gratitude.