You are a Phoenix.

Mar 17, 2022 1:22 pm

Phoenix: "a person or thing regarded as uniquely remarkable in some respect."

I get sad a lot.

You may not believe it based on how I show up most days.

I need to get sad.

The sadness is my fuel for helping the world.

What makes me sad?

Something I believe to be one of my most important gifts that I bring to the world.

The ability to see how remarkable YOU are... yet you are unable to see it within yourself.

You are a Phoenix.

And I can see it.

But no matter what I do, your flames won't bring light to the world, bring heat to those in need, or inspire others to shine bright... unless you yourself DECIDE that YOU ARE remarkable.

And I get extremely sad because so many are deciding against rising to become the Phoenix that they truly are.

I take on the burden of that feeling they have within themselves.

It burns inside me.

And gets released with my own flames.

Because I was once the person who failed to see my own remark-ability.

Who actively made decisions against becoming the Phoenix.

But one day there was a spark that lit my first flame.

She was my own personal gasoline. She was the spark to my ignition.

And every day since I have been on a mission to bring more Phoenix's into the world

Today I am asking you to be one of them.

The world/media will tell you that everything is terrible and nothing is going right.

Don't listen.


And you can help the people around you see how remarkable they are as well.

Together we can make this world a remarkable place to live.

A remarkable place to THRIVE.



p.s. I am traveling to Las Vegas this upcoming weekend for a Biohacking conference. I am grateful there will be so many people who are educating themselves to help make this world a better place. I am also grateful I will be able to spend time with my friends/business partners and have fun building our dreams together.
