Are you taking Vitamin N?

Jan 16, 2023 2:24 pm

Never heard of Vitamin N?

Me neither lol.

I was scrolling motivational REELS like I do every morning and I stumbled upon an elite endurance runner talking about "Vitamin N."

In other words N is vitamin...

say "NO" to everything that doesn't align with your mission and your goals.


He essentially went on to talk about how Vitamin N is the difference between those who are "good" and those who become "great."

The people who reach the pinnacle of greatness...

Are disciplined in their pursuit to get there.

With this discipline is the simple, yet not easy habit of saying NO to the things that would hinder their "success."

This got me thinking.

While I agree with what he was saying, I also believe too many people say no to the wrong things.

In other words, we have never been taught what to say no to.

One example that has a big impact on me is how I used to say no to doing "free" work.

Everything I did was either in the pursuit of getting paid, or the pursuit of some type of award / achievement.

And I believe a lot of other people fall into this trap as well.

The reality?

The skills I have learned from "free" work have 10x'd my long term ability to earn $$$.

Here's the thing, everything you say no to, is a yes to something else.

Let's continue with the "free" work example...

When I said "no" to the fact that all my work had to be paid, I said "yes" to the free work.

When I said yes to the free work, I said "no" to me sitting on the couch and vegging out on Netflix.

See where I am going with this?

Don't get me wrong, there is a time and place for Netflix.

Yet, how many people are intentional to what they are saying NO to in any given moment?

I would bet very few.

My goal with today's message is for you to reflect on how you are utilizing Vitamin N.

Are you intentional with it?

Does your use of it support the future you tell others you want?

Or does it hinder that future?

Today, start by outlining what you must say NO to for you to win your day, and win your week.



p.s. today I am grateful for the fulfilling weekend I had with Erin and our friends. I am so blessed to have amazing people in my life.
