To learn is to LIVE.
Apr 05, 2021 6:15 pm
You are human.
Which means that you learn by DOING things.
When is the last time you ventured outside of your current town?
Met someone new?
Signed up for an online course?
Tried out a new gym?
Did something you new you would be completely terrible at at first?
Want to feel more alive this week?!?
Make an effort to go LEARN something new.
The beauty about this may not even have to leave your house, or even your pajamas for that matter to learn and feel alive.
One of the reasons I start every morning with reading and meditation is because I learn something new about a topic that interests me, and then I learn something new about myself as I struggle to sit still, and work to acknowledge the thoughts that are going through my head without passing judgement on them.
This week though, I want you to write down what you are setting out to learn.
Heck, respond to this email and tell me, maybe I want to learn it too!!!
My mission in life is to help others THRIVE ON LIFE...and the key to living a more fulfilling life, it truly starts with having the curiosity to learn something every day, and become a new person over and over and over again.
What am I learning this week?
- For health, I am currently reading about how important mitochondria are to our entire human system. For business, today I started reading a book on subscription based models. Multiple businesses I work on right now are building the foundations to becoming membership experiences that will have the ability to serve customers at a national scale. This means I need to know my shit!!!
- On Friday I will be traveling up to Dallas, Texas with a few of my friends to compete in Hyrox "the world series of fitness." On Saturday I will learn how the last 3 weeks of training have helped me in preparation for this competition.
- In life, my wife and I are constantly pursuing knowledge on how to be better for each other. From how we talk to each other, to how we show up for each other, to how we support each other's goals...we look to learn and implement fresh perspectives into our relationship. The supporting of one another's goals is what we have really been striving to get better at lately. With two people highly dedicated to their own personal goals, it can be tough. This week Erin will be playing team Mom at the fitness competition, which is a flip from me playing team Dad for her half-marathons. (We are currently looking at a half in Hawaii next January for her, that'll be one hell of a trip when we do it.) There is no doubt in my mind we will both continue to learn and get better at playing the more supportive role for each other.
So, now it is your turn, what will you be learning this week? WRITE IT DOWN!
Go live it!
And do it again next week. :)
p.s. today I am grateful for the brains we all have that allow us to communicate, read, write...and learn so many things as human beings. It brings color to our lives and I am forever grateful for that.