It's not about having answers, it's about asking questions.
Jun 21, 2021 4:50 pm
School makes us feel like caged monkeys trying to find the hidden banana.
Tell me this isn't how it was for you....
You chase grades for 12-16-20 years of your life and then voila... no more grades... but the next banana is a salary raise / next job title / more vacation days/etc.
They distracted you.
And it is time you come to terms with it.
School/work make us believe that life is about having all the answers.
Yet the reality is, creating the good life is about asking MORE QUESTIONS.
Heck, I literally question everything. Why am I here? Why is life the way it is? Why does the sunrise and set? WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY.
Sadly, I have witnessed so many people who gave up their freedoms of asking questions.
Society has conditioned them to just stay in their lane, go with the flow, and meander through life.
One of the most important times to ask questions is during Sunday nights / Monday mornings.
That is when you are preparing for a "new week" ahead.
And if you don't ask yourself some questions... it'll just be a repeat week of the same old shit, and nobody likes the same old shit.
So here is what I would like for you to ask yourself going into this new GLORIOUS week that we find ourselves entering into.
- What would make this week "successful" to you?
- What MUST you then do today, to start heading towards the version of "success" you just described?
"UGHHHH CJ why are you asking me about my week already when I can barely decide what I want for breakfast today?"
Because you should be determining your days based on the long term goals you have set for yourself. This allows you to say NO to unimportant tasks/things, and stay focused on what YOU have chosen for yourself.
Saying NO is more important than saying yes.
Too many people think doing "tasks" creates a successful life. It makes them feel good. And you need to say NO to the meaningless tasks that society makes you think you need to do.
You know what feels better than those tasks anyway?!?! Conquering the hard shit you know you MUST do to get to where you want to go in YOUR LIFE.
List out what are the TOP things you MUST do this week to mark it down as a successful week. START NOW, and go fight like hell to make those things happen!!!
Happy Monday!
p.s. today I grateful to be home safe and sound from an amazing trip seeing friends and family. I am also grateful that I come back into a life where I enjoy Monday morning just as much as "vacation."